New Work: Constructs


This is a continuation on my last birdcage concept. Unfortunately the last cage wasn’t able to open on the bottom, so I had to wait until I got my hands on one that did.

Driving to this shoot, I was thinking of possible titles for this photo and my mind kept going over this idea of the cage and how many things it could represent. In a way, I think the cage can represent the all of the constructs which exist in the world around us. We are born into these constructs, and because we can never fully separate from society or ‘unknow’ what we know, we can never fully divorce ourselves from them. It stands to reason that we will never fully understand how limited we truly are by these constraints. Beneath these constructs is our raw, authentic self. As artists, I think we are always striving to examine these ‘cages’, or to remove ourselves from them, however impossible that may be.

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