Behind the Scenes: Misty Morning Masquerade

I had been staring at these beautiful masks in my mother’s hallway every time I come home, begging her to let me use them. They are quite precious to her, and thus, she didn’t want me taking them down off the wall and using them for my artistic exploits, (which I can sort of understand). Unfortunately for her, I could only be respectful so long. I took them down (carefully) and hit the road with some tutus and bodysuits in hand.

Here’s my test shot in the misty scene I found at 530 along the highway to Halifax:

I should preface by saying there are two characters from this shoot that didn’t make the cut. I realized mid-shoot that the white mask was definitely the coolest and decided to roll with that. But check out these other two guys! The black one freaks me out!

Now, I busted a lot of moves out there by that freeway. Sadly, most of those magical dance moves will be lost on the world forever. But wait…there are outtakes! 😉

Finished off the shoot, just as the sun was coming up. The perfect skyline to fill out my photo:

And finally, we have our final photo:
Misty Morning Masquerade

*p.s. The masks were returned successfully to their rightful positions on the wall. Mom is happy with the photo. All is well in the world.