Category Archives: Behind the Scenes & Outtakes

Behind the Scenes: Misty Morning Masquerade

I had been staring at these beautiful masks in my mother’s hallway every time I come home, begging her to let me use them. They are quite precious to her, and thus, she didn’t want me taking them down off the wall and using them for my artistic exploits, (which I can sort of understand). Unfortunately for her, I could only be respectful so long […]


Some out takes from my recent ‘Mantis’ shoot, which illustrates my poem by the same name about a praying mantis. Such a funny shoot! My very platonic friend Ryan agreed to help me recreate the mating/killing rituals on the praying mantis by posing for this shot. He was very surprised […]

The American Dollhouse Series!

The American Dollhouse is a series of photographs and poems centered around a masked family co-inhabiting a miniature dollhouse. The concept of shooting in a dollhouse originally arose as an alternative to creating expensive large-scale sets. I came to the realization that by shooting in miniature, I could capture the […]